

maydongphuc, garment, event, tourist, chothuevanphong


EVFTA-Upcoming steps & Benificial facts

The Europe – Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) is the FTA that a lot of sewing factories in Vietnam has been waiting for. On the end of June 30th, 2019, EVFTA was officially signed which will put the import – export between Vietnam and Europe to a whole new better step. The upcoming procedures mightContinue reading "EVFTA-Upcoming steps & Benificial facts"
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Best Blog for Information

Hello, I making some blog to póst ours ìnformation Lets review it on Thís is nguyen minh chau Thís is Trần Thị Hoài This is Lâm Chấn Huy Thís is Thứ Tư Thís is Garment Company Well, if you still wana to make similar this, lets contactContinue reading "Best Blog for Information"
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EVFTA Opens New Chapter in EU-Vietnam Trade Relations

The EVFTA is an ambitious pact providing almost 99% of elimination of custom duties between the EU and Vietnam. The EVFTA, at its core, aims to liberalize both tariff and non-tariff barriers for key imports on both sides & For Vietnam, the tariff elimination will benefit key export industries, especially for Vietnam Garment Industry. IncreasingContinue reading "EVFTA Opens New Chapter in EU-Vietnam Trade Relations"
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Is there a garment fair in Vietnam like the Canton Fair in China?

I get asked this question a lot, "what is the best garment fair in Vietnam?" Simple answer is: there is none. If you want to meet garment manufacturers, there is none. What does exist is the VTG Expo 2015. This event is a 2 in 1 event. Vietnam and Textile Garment expo and Vietnam FabricContinue reading "Is there a garment fair in Vietnam like the Canton Fair in China?"
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